
Kostis Argyriadis

Kostis Argyriadis

Kostis Argyriadis, born in 1981 in Thessaloniki, Greece, is a photographer who received a scholarship to attend ESP Photography, where he studied under Stratos Kalafatis. His photography focuses on the triviality of everyday urban life and patterns, juxtaposed with the absurd and inconsequential aspects of reality and its transformations. He uses his camera as a conduit to connect the inner and outer worlds, exploring the boundaries and edges of perception. His philosophy is reflected in his belief that if you look too much at the abyss, then the abyss will look at you.

Kostis published his first book "Every Day, Every City" with Agra publications and self-published his second book "DD-MM-YYYY." He has contributed to several published books and has participated in numerous photo festivals, such as "Thessaloniki: Looking at Time Through Moments: Photographs 1900-2017" at the Museum of European Culture in Berlin, Festival Circulation(s) in Paris, "Balkans Today: The Present of a Wounded Landscape" in Athens, Estate Fotografia Siracusa Festival in Italy, and Projet 102 in Paris. He has held solo exhibitions both within Greece and internationally.

Instagram: kostisargyriadis


Copyright ©Kostis Argyriadis, all rights reserved