
Elena de la Rúa

Elena de la Rúa

Elena de la Rúa, born in Madrid in 1978, holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and a master's degree in photography from EFTI. Her work explores the mental constructs we create to navigate the world, focusing on the interplay between emotions, desire, hope, uncertainty, and control through magical thinking, beliefs, imagination, and science.

Her creative process blends intuition and reason, beginning with her own conceptions and feelings, then transferring these to a rational plane through research. Recently, she has shifted from photographing existing subjects to constructing still lifes, integrating photography with painting and sculpture.

In her latest series, "Paradise Eats Flesh," Elena explores death using real animal corpses alongside painted backgrounds, juxtaposing materialistic views of death with hopeful post-mortem beliefs. Her work has been featured in photography competitions and group exhibitions at INJUVE, Círculo de Bellas Artes, and Sala de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid. She had solo exhibitions, including "In a Glass Case" (2009) and "El Miedo como Herida" (2018). Elena is part of the collective Cómo ser Fotógrafa, promoting visibility for women photographers.

Instagram: elena.delarua


Copyright © Elena de la Rúa, all rights reserved